Helpful information to have available in case of emergency
Basic info
Date of birth
Weight (for dosing)
Copy of insurance card
Emergency contact numbers
General medical info
List of all medications and dosages
Past surgeries
Last time in the ER
Other medical conditions
General bleeding disorder-related info
HTC/hematologist’s phone number
Preferred ER (has relationship with HTC and/or carries factor)
Name of bleeding disorder, including type and severity (if applicable)
Which factor is missing/doesn’t work properly that causes the bleeding disorder
Name of medication you normally receive to treat bleeding
Name of medications you could possibly receive to treat your bleeding disorder
Travel/emergency letter from HTC/hematologist
Medical affairs phone number
Factor users
Primary prophylaxis: schedule and dosage
Dosage for minor/moderate/major bleeding episodes or recommended treatment protocol
Whether you infuse and keep factor at home and how you typically infuse (IV, port, etc)
Location of PICC or port (if applicable)
Inhibitor status
Note in travel/emergency letter from HTC/hematologist stating patient/parent is trained to administer infusions (if applicable)
Consult treatment center/hematologist regarding their recommendations for the following (if applicable)
ER might need to use factor/medication brought in from home (especially if they don’t carry it)
Patient authorized to mix own factor
Factor to be administered prior to any diagnostic testing
Treatment protocol regarding head injuries (treat with or without symptoms)